birding from the window, Singapore
There are two Tembusu trees right outside of my window and several other golden shower trees. I'm staying at a floor that is nicely levelled with the crowns of the Tembusu trees, so I get a nice view of the birds feeding on the fruits and the insects buzzing about the flowers. The leaves of these trees used to be much denser years back. Maybe this is due to heavy pruning or poorer soil quality, but at least they are still flowering and fruiting.
In the past 7 months, I've sighted so many bird species from my bedroom window that are "not-so-common" in residential areas (I do not live next to a nature reserve). And I've never seen this large of a variety here in past years but perhaps my lack of observation could be due to plain obliviousness amidst the busyness of life. Perhaps I've only discovered their existence due to the slower days of neethood or that I've started being more sensitive to the presence of birds post-Sabah when I was adopted by a group of birders.

Male and female pink-necked green pigeon hang around here because there are some fruiting trees around

common flameback woodpecker. I've been hearing their mating calls everywhere around the hood in the past weeks

The mating calls of the male common iora and the stork-billed kingfishers have woken me up on occasions

Male olive-backed sunbird in one of their many acrobatic poses
Plenty of sunbirds build nests on residents' plants along the corridors, especially on those plants that spill out of the corridor ledges. Sunbirds seem to like to chat a lot and feed after a rain.
The morning cacophony of bird noises is a pleasant to wake up to when the rooster is not crowing. (What makes the morning even better is not waking up to any dread and stress from the life problems and unresolved jira tickets.)

There's a pit in this particular golden shower tree which has many birds stopping by to look for bugs or to take a sip of water.

Recently, 3 blue-tailed bee-eaters have been lounging around this tembusu trees and are quite successful at hunting all the butterflies. I noticed a visible decrease in butterflies since their arrival.

A pair of white-bellied sea-eagles soaring high enough in the sky to be visible from my unit and probably hunts at the nearby waterbody

I often wonder if anyone living in the units around me has been also quietly observing these birds too. To most, birds can be hard to spot when unmoving and hidden amongst the thick foliage. Their location is usually given away when they make a sudden movement - a flash of bright colors amongst the green and brown foliage.

Nowadays I can identify a bird (and maybe even their actvity) by their sounds. i am notified when the bee eater has found a snack, and when a black-naped oriole chick, crow or koel chick, mynah chick is crying out for food.

There is also a small group of resident rock pigeon and zebra+spotted doves. I haven't figured out why the rock pigeons don't seem to be constantly feeding on fruit like their wilder pigeon cousins, but seek the scraps (aka junk food) on the ground.
In the early mornings and late evenings, the neighbourhood chicken gang roost on the low-hanging gently sloping branches of the tembusu. There are several other birds I didn't feature photos of in this post: asian starlings, rock pigeons, (both common and javan) mynahs, scarlet backed sunbirdm, oriental white-eye, house crows, asian koels
Hopefully, the birds in my hood continue to thrive in the coming years.
Disclaimer: Most photos are taken from the window but some are taken from the void deck/ground floor.
- eagle
- monitor lizard
- rufous woodpecker